The Evaluation of ADHD and Executive Functions measures attention, planning, organizing, and implementing behaviors. These functions are necessary to achieve positive outcomes in education and in daily life. Most people develop their executive functions from ages two and are fully developed by early adulthood around 20 years old. Individuals with ADHD have delayed development in these areas and are often characterized by distractibility, emotional dysregulation, and procrastination.
In addition to measuring the ability to focus and concentration, working memory, cognitive control, processing speed, and set shifting should be measured as well. Aside from direct evaluation with the student, parents and teachers are involved to make clinical decisions for a robust treatment plan. This allows the evaluator to develop a pattern of strengths and weaknesses to inform individuals, parents, and educators on how to support education and daily living.
After the evaluation, parents and educators are informed of the results and, more importantly, the treatment plan. Depending on the results of the evaluation, the student may be granted classroom modifications and/or testing accommodations for high stakes testing. This is to ensure that the student is provided with similar opportunities as their peers.
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